You have a voice.
You deserve to be heard.

We are Bosnian-Americans who
want to amplify that voice.

This initiative began as BAI’s board of directors discussed future planning for our community. We found that education about voting in the Bosnian-Herzegovinian elections was scarce, limited, and not readily available to many. We made a committee within our organization and took the initiative to make this portal to help educate, and inform on the diaspora’s right to vote.

Glasaj 2020 simplifies the learning process and offers the tools to be able to register, educate, and enable our communities to engage in voting for a better Bosnia & Herzegovina.

Who Are We?

Glasaj 2020 is run by the Bosnian American Institute (BAI).

BAI’s mission is to preserve a sovereign Bosnia & Herzegovina through education and the empowerment of our Bosnian-American community. Read more at